
Beginners (Online)

Yiddish Beginners with Osian (Online)
Mondays 5:00 - 7:00pm (UK time)

Course description

We will learn Yiddish and learn about Ashkenazi culture in the past and present. Starting with the alef-beys (alphabet), we will introduce the fundamentals of reading and writing. We will listen to and discuss Yiddish songs, texts and videos connected to the seasons, festivals and Ashkenazi culture. Classes will be interactive and conversational and will emphasise learning with joy and community. By the end of the term, we will aim to be able to say, read, write and understand simple sentences in Yiddish.

This course is for students who have already completed one of our Absolute Beginners courses, or a similar course.

If you have any questions about the course or which level is right for you, please email us at babelsblessing@gmail.com.


Mondays 5:00 - 7:00pm
Online on Zoom

PLEASE NOTE: there are TWO rates, Standard (the cheaper rate), and Supporter (for those who are able to contribute a little extra)

January 13, 20, 27
February 3, 10, (Half Term), 24
March 3, 10, 17, 24

If you would like to book this course and pay in 2 instalments of 50% of the course fees, please email us at babelsblessing@gmail.com.

Sign up here

Supporter Rate (£29/Class)

Standard Rate (£21/Class)